
The Cosmos scientific name is Cosmos bipinnatus, and it’s scientific classification is (Asteraceae).
The Cosmos grow up to 2-3 feet tall,and their petal colors are red,pink,and white.
Usually, they grow along roadsides,and waste areas,and also in mixtures of other flowers too,and also at floral gardens.
Some other interesting facts about the Cosmos are,they bloom quickly,and need to be replanted every spring to be successful,and the blooming periods are April-November.

George Washington

Here are some things I learned about George Washington

1.He didn’t have a middle name

2.He was the father of our country

3.He was born in 1731

4.He didn’t have wooden teeth but had many other teeth

5.He didn’t were a wig but he had white powdered hair

Those are some of the things I learned,

but why do people make myths about George Washington?



























Abraham Lincoln

Today I learned about Abraham Lincoln.

Here are some facts I learned.

1.He was shot and killed by John Wilkes Booth.

2.He was elected as the Illinois Legislature.

3.He led the Civil War and it lasted four years.

4.He was a firewood splitter,a shopkeeper,and a postmaster.

5.When he went to New Orleans and was face to face with slavery.

Some people even said he wore the same hat his entire life,is it true?

The Wombat

The wombat can build burrows that can be 100 feet long.The wombat can block its burrows with its tough back side.The baby wombat stays in its mother’s pouch for nine to ten months.The wombat sleeps in the day and is awake at night,so it is nocturnal.This animal eats plants,so it is a herbivore.This animal can be found in Australia.The wombat has fur that sometimes looks like a German shepherd,and the wombat looks like a porcupine.

Row Your Site

Screen Shot 2015-10-27 at 10.01.00 AMGrey wolves are found in the woods of Minnesota,Wisconsin,and Michigan.It lives in prairies and woods.Some wolves live in the North Pole.A grey wolves fur protects it from the cold weather.The color of its fur is white, black,and grey.

I found this picture on